The main impact of viewing David Attenborough’s “A Life on Planet Earth” was threefold.

First, I was really impressed with how rapidly the natural world is degrading, how many species are at peril, how many have already been lost.

There is no doubt that the natural world is being degraded daily by the activities of people. From deforestation, including the destruction of the rainforest  over fishing the oceans, massive industrial farming and habitat destruction. Species loss is accelerating at an exponential rate.


Second,  realizing that tge consequences of our actions on the plnet are already upon us, that the world is likely to be uninhabitable within the lifetimes of our own grandchildren.

Third, seeing that the solutions already exist. The changes that need to be made are monumental, but not beyond ability of currently exiosting tedhology and thinking.

We need changes in the way we generate and use energy. We have the change the way we farm and the way we eat. Global income inequality has to be diminished and third world contries economic and educational disparities, especially for girls have to be diminished in order to reduce population growth. The coastal oceans must be given a rest in order to restore the open-ocean fisheries


What’s needed is real determination by everyone to make small and significant changes in day to day life, as well as thecollaboration and determination on the part of our world leaders to do what leaders do. To demonstrate what needs to be done in a clear and unconfusing way,