designers and fabricators of stained glass windows for synagogues
Comcept and design for a stained glass window for the Chadar Ochel at Camp Newman February 15, 2024
Notes for Presentation for Camp Newman Stained Glass Window Project
The Title of composition might be “Choose Life” or “Tikun Olam”
A text from Genesis: 15 is written in Hebrew and in English. It talks about tending and tilling the earth, our stewardship of the earth. At this time, in the 21st century, taking care of the earth amounts to repairing the earth, an earthly tikun olam
At the center of this composition is the earth, nestled in a bed of almond blossoms. This is our vision of taking care of the earth.
Surrounding the earth is a ring of 54 squares in the colors of the spectrum. The ring of squares around the earth in the colors of a rainbow represents our covenant with our earth our promise to protect it.
A circular double helix of DNA encircles the earth and blossoms. The ladder-like rungs of the DNA molecule are a spectrum of color symbolizing the diversity of life. This rainbow of rungs also stands for God’s covenant with us, given to Noah, not to destroy the earth.
Inscribed on the turnings of the DNA molecule are silhouettes of an array of animal life on earth.
Some of the silhouettes are gray and fading. Each species is at risk. Biodiversity is vanishing
From below, the earth is threatened by floods
From above the sun burns hotly, a sliver of moon reflects the sun brightly
Three stars symbolize Shabbat,. A connection is meant to be drawn between Tikun Olam and Shabbat. That is: Sabbath is a foretaste of Paradise. As we contemplate the meaning of Shabbat, each week, we ought to think about Tikun Olam. How can we make the world a better place. How can we repair our world, which is more and more, year by year becoming less and less livable due to climate change. When we think about Shabbat, when we contemplate Paradise we need to be environmentalists, climate warriors and be keeping our mother, earth, at the center of our thoughts, our prayers and our actions.
This window also embodies all of the elements of the six days of creation. In the dividing waters, we can glimpse our redemption and in the 54 squares and the 54 rungs we recognize the torah in all its portions.
Environmentalism is a Jewish value
This window is about “choosing life” to preserve and protect life on earth, helping life to survive so that we might survive.
This is an idea, which, obviously, is pertinent, and timely, an idea, which will, as time goes on, become more and more central in the consciousness of the kids who are the campers of the 21st century. This may be the biggest issue of their generation.
The configuration of background lines and colors is drawn directly from the design of the window on the opposite wall of the Chadar Ochel. This will help the two windows, in the same space to harmonize with each other.
“Tikun Olam” close-up view of center section
“Tikun Olam” detail of the animal silhouettes
Dimensions of the nine panels comprising the composition for the dining hall at Camp Newman
Michelle works on creating the full size pattern for the windows
Working on all nine patterns as one large composition
The large pattern on the 10' x 12' table
Once the glass arrives, Michelle begins the process of cutting the glass.
Michelle with the completed full size patterns.
Two crates of glass arrive from Bendheim Glass in New Jersey.
First progress begins to emerge as Michelle cuts pieces on the full-size pattern. laying the finished pieces on a copy of the pattern.
Michelle continues cutting glass.
Michelle continue cutting glass while David begins the assembly of the first panel.
work continues
cutting glass
assembling panels
preparation fo painting
Michelle lays out piees on the "Moon Panel."
Michelle cuts glass for the DNA Panels
Completed panels await painting and firring.
Ther "Sun Panel" under construction.
The "Moon Panel" under construction
First pieces in the kiln for firing the paint on.
Airbrush station
Michelle cutting resist in preparation for paiting
Cutting glass and preparation of pieces for painting
Cutting resist in preparation for painting
Painted pieces ready to be fired
Keeping track of the painted almond blossoms
Almond blossom pieces ready to have the resist removed after painting
Pattern for the center panel
Transfering the blossom pieces
the center panel fully cut out
Beginning the final pnel
Laying out the inscription on tracing paper
Work continues with the assembly, glazing, reinforcement and cleaning of the panels.
A completed assembly awaits glazing on the second side and reinforcement
A completed panel is placed in a frame after reinforcement is ready for final cleaning.
Michelle works on glazing the back side of a completed assembly
Panels in various stages of completion
Applying putty
Michelle works on the layout for the text in the circular passage.
Pieces of glass which have been decorated with the silouettes of animal spieces have been spray painted with low-fire transparent enamel glass paint are ready for peeling and firing in the kiln.
Assembly, glazing and reinforcement of panels continues.
Michelle works on glazing the backside of a panel.
Laying out the painting template for the world piece.
Assembly of the central panel begins as the other panels are placed in frames for cleaning.