Adat Shalom Synagogue
Farmington Hills, Michigan

Shiffman Chapel Stained Glass Fabrication
in process at Plachte-Zuieback Art Glass

August 29, 2006

In January of 2006, Plachte-Zuieback Art Glass was commissioned to design and create an original art glass installation for the Shiffman Chapel at Adat Shalom Synagogue, in Farmington Hills, Michigan. The following project journal follows the progress of the fabrication of the windows, in our studio, in Santa Rosa, California.
David and Mez work on the scaffold to join two panels in place on the first day of the installation.
Jim and Dan pause during the installation of the wood framework for the stained glass.
Paul climbs the scaffold to make a close inspection of the work with David.
Above, the installation of a section of the composition is completed.
David stands of the top rung of the ladder in order to reach a section of the installation inaccessible by scaffold.
The entire installation crew: Becky, Mez, Michelle, Dan, Jim and David.
The center section of the composition will be visible only when the Aron Hakodesh Doors are open.
David and Becky stage a panel up the scaffold during the installation of the center section of the window.
A panel is received on the top stage of the scaffold for installation.

Copyright ©2006 Plachte-Zuieback Art Glass