Congregation Sinai
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Concept for Entry Foyer Sanctuary and
Social Hall Doors

July 16, 2009

Here are some renderings, based on the ideas we discussed during our last phone conference, showing the direction of the changes.

Above is a rendition of the "circle doors" and the "square doors," in a pallette of colors taken from the existing Temple foyer colors. English and Hebrew passages conform to the lines. The Shema is rendered in a marquetry technique, on the angled member of the wooden door. This angled muntin (technical term) subtly implies a mountain when open or closed, appropriate to Sinai Temple. Other passages could be included. A marquetry passage could be included for the social hall doors. Colors, of course, could be changed.

Other possibilities of configuring the doors. The more symmetrical the doors, the more formal the appearance.
Here us a combination where the circles and the squares begin to interact. What do you think?

Copyright ©2009 Plachte-Zuieback Art Glass