Revised Stained Glass Design for the
Peachy and Mark Levy Beit Midrash
May 29, 2015
Revised Stained Glass Design for the
Peachy and Mark Levy Beit Midrash
May 26, 2015
Current revisions include: adding color to the glass through which the text is read; reducing the number of grapes in the clusters; adding second color to the fig leaves.
Revised Stained Glass Design for the
Peachy and Mark Levy Beit Midrash
May 24, 2015
In this revision, the names of the Torah portions are inscribed on the curving strands of the DNA molecules and the "tohu v' vohu" lettering is in the background of the side panels only.
Revised Stained Glass Design for the
Peachy and Mark Levy Beit Midrash
May 15, 2015
Above, the design reflects the suggested changes in the sidelight, including the DNA double helix with names of Torah portions, removing tohu v'vohu lettering and reducing the number of leaves to eighteen in each sidelight.
Three New Stained Glass Designs for the
Peachy and Mark Levy Beit Midrash
May 14. 2015
In the version, above, three Biblical Fruits are rendered: figs, symbol of peace, grapes, symbol of blessing and, on the ark doors, pomegranates, symbol of Torah.
Above, a new drawing of the DNA double helix colorfully decorates the ark doors.
A single pomegranate tree spreads out, covering all four panels.
Designs for the Peachy and Mark Levy Beit Midrash
at Leo Baeck Temple
New changes in Hebrew Font and color for the Hebrew passage inside the ark.
Here is an updated version of the design with a subtle peach coloring in the background and the Ten Commandments removed.
Above, a composition created from the following elements: ten pomegranates, for the Ten Commandments, with tohu v'vohu showing where the 613 seeds should be; the double helix of the DNA molecule inscribed with the names of the 54 torah portions; a graphic representation of tohu v'vohu, rendered in a light grey color on the side panels; the Ten Commandments, on the ark doors in gold leaf; the passage (Mark's favorite) rendered in raised metal lettering on the inside of the ark and visible through the nearly transparent upper portion of the ark doors; a network of background lines generated by ever-expanding concentric circles. As the passage says, the Torah, as protions, is inscribed on your DNA, as the raw material of creation, it is the seeds of the fruit we eat, as a random array of Hebrew letters, it suffuses the very air we breath.
In the image above, we show the ark doors in the open position revealing the torahs mounted in individual cradles on the cherry wood back wall. The Hebrew passage is rendered in raised metal lettering affixed to the back wall of the ark.
A pomegranate bush with five pomegranates decorates the ark doors, while the double helix of the DNA molecules, inscribed with the names of the 54 torah portions are shown in side panels.Background lines flow upward and outward from the center of the composition.
In this version, arks and lines form an asymmetrical matrix behind the pomegranate vines and the DNA. The Hebrew text, mounted inside the ark, is visible through a clear portion of the ark doors.
A symmetrical arrangement of background lines allows for the introduction of pastel colors to the composition, behind the pomegranate vines and DNA molecules.
Another possibility for background lines and color. In this case, we create a monochromatic, gradated and neutral color pallette.
Above, the Hebrew text against the cherry wood of the interior of the ark is visible through a heart-shaped clear section of the ark doors, as it is said, " is already in your heart and in your mouth." A rectilinear arrangement of tohu v'vohu-decorated panels, with white borders on each, breaks up the background into a matrix of squares.